Break Angle Problem is solved…
Break Angle Problem is solved…
We have a break angle problem………….a big problem Houston! As you can see in order to keep the strings seated on the bridge, I need to fix the break angle somehow. The bridge is currently so high the guitar is […]
So, the solution has arrived from in the form of a modified Schaller strap button. The hole is enlarged to accomodate the larger diameter Rickenbacker machine screw, which they have made to twice the standard length. The head of the machine […]
So, fitting a B3 to a Rickenbacker 330 is problematic!! Firstly the sloping deck means the body is a bit thin for the tailpiece hinge plate to mount. The B3 is also a bit long to fit on the sloped […]
Finally did a little more….. The WDMusic Roller Bridge fits beautifully on the Winfield Vintage Vintage Base plate Adaptor. This is a beautifully made bridge. Very good Quality. I would recommend it for any TOM applications Some Specs of the Bridge. […]
I recently picked up this 1996 Rickenbacker 330 husk to use as a project. The intern is not to restore it to original but create something of unique beast. I will document its progress here and provide as much info […]